W2 - Get Good with Money

Wednesday, 6:30p (#W2)
Get Good with Money
South St. Paul

Chris Buntjer
chris.buntjer@gmail.com   (651) 269-4115

The Buntjer Home
415 - 20th Avenue S., South St. Paul

You will be able to drop your kids at River Heights Vineyard for childcare at 6:00p and then head over to Chris’ house. Children need to be picked up from church by 8:00p

Start Date
February 21, 2024

We will be discussing the book "Get Good with Money" by Tiffany Aliche and her 10 steps to become financially whole. My goal is for us to support each other practically with tips and tools to get our finances on the right track, and to motivate each other to either get started or keep making progress towards worrying less about our finances. You can drop off any kids at RHV and then head to the Buntjer house ~3 miles away. Buying a book is not required.